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About the author

Danish Nurse, Reflexologist, Bach Practitioner, Trainer in reflexology and Bach Flower Remedies (The International Bach Education) and owner of the publishing company

All my books  are based on a holistic point of view.  My books reflect what I believe in and have been teaching for 30 years: We truly are Body-Mind and Soul.
These 4 books and the courses help you to understand how to support your self on your journey.

ONLINE COURSE Basic Meridian Theory 1-3

Read about the course here

Lecture 2

  • Lecture video

  • Guided meditation

  • Exercise

  • Answer sheet

All this for 300 DKK / 40 EUR / 35 GBP / 43 USD

Lecture 1

  • Lecture video

  • Guided meditation

  • Exercise

  • Answer sheet

  • E-book

All this for 300 DKK / 40 EUR / 35 GBP / 43 USD

Lecture 3

  • Lecture video

  • Guided meditation

  • Exercise

  • Answer sheet

  • 10 small videos demonstrating acupressure points

  • Certificate

All this for 300 DKK / 40 EUR / 35 GBP / 43 USD

Buy all 3 Basic Meridian Theory lectures and save 22%.

700 DKK / 94 EUR / 80 GBP / 101 USD

ONLINE COURSE One Point Theory - a Holistic method of treatment 1-2

Read about the course here

Lecture 1
1 video (MP4 format) on the principles in OPT +
1 video about Introduction to Bach Flower Remedies
and 1 exercise.
The answer sheet will be sent to you after you have mailed Exercise 1 to Susanne Løfgren.

300 DKK / 35 GBP / 40 EUR / 43 USD

Lecture 2
1 video MP 4, 1 exercise, certificate.
The answer sheet will be sent to you after you have mailed Exercise 2 to Susanne Løfgren.

300 DKK / 35 GBP / 40 EUR / 43 USD

BUY both lectures and save
500 DKK / 67 EUR / 58 GBD / 73 USD

Recorded webinars and videos - buy here

Webinar: BFR on the Spiritual Path (1h 30 min.)
The lecture will inspire you how to overcome some of the challenges
one will meet walking the path.
The lecture will be recorded and send to those who have signed up.
Watch the recording.
150 DDK / 22 USD / 20 EUR / 17,50 GBP.
You can pay each of the 3 webinars below.
If you want to join live or watch 2 webinars, please pay twice.

Webinar: BFR for Children with Special needs (1h 30 min.)
We will look deeper into this subject (ADHD, OCD, Premature children and others).
We will work with cases and your questions.
If you haven’t participated in the Free Lecture on the same subject you can mail me for access to the recording.
Watch the recording.
150 DDK / 22 USD / 20 EUR / 17,50 GBP.
You can pay each of the 3 webinars below.
If you want to watch or join live 2 webinars, please pay twice

Angels and how to get their help (2 hours)
Watch the recording.
I have worked with the angelic helpers for many years.
Even though the subject is a bit ‘airy’ I have a very down to earth approach to these fantastic and loving beings.
I would love to share my experiences with you.
We will meditate on our individuel guardian angel and on the healing angels to get healing ourselves.
150 DDK / 22 USD / 20 EUR / 17,50 GBP.
You can pay each of the 3 webinars below.

If you want watch 2-3 webinars, please pay by pressing the Buy button 2 or 3 times.

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E-book: One Point Reflexology - A Method of Holistic Treatment

This ebook (pdf) will teach you a unique way of treatment combining the fundamental principles of reflexology with Traditionel Chinese Medicine (The Law of the 5 elements, acupressure points), Bach Flower Remedies, Healing and Chakras as reflex points.

The principles of the book can easily be used by non-reflexologists. There is plenty of information, knowledge and inspiration to be found for anyone interested in the connection between body-mind-soul.

You can download a reading sample for free here.

146 pages, beautifully illustrated.
ISBN: 978-87-997390-7-3
Price: 150 DKK / 20 EUR / 17,50 GBP / 22 USD /

Read here

E-book: One Point Reflexology - The Workbook

This ebook (pdf) is for those who have already read the One Point Reflexology book.

It consists of a lot of cases to make you familiar with the 5 element laws and how to use the theory in your reflexology treatments. Suggested answers are included for each case which you can use for comparison with your own answers.
36 A4 pages
Price: 100 DKK / 13 EUR / 12 GBP / 15 USD /

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You can download a reading sample for free here

Price: 150 DKK / 20 EUR / 17 GBP /
22 USD /

E-book: Bach Flower Remedies for The Family

This ebook (pdf) helps you to help yourself and your children
Do you recognize your child as being:

  • A small fairy floating across the surface of the earth who could use some grounding?

  • A drama queen who can work you into a dither?

  • A small, delicate violet who struggles getting by in this ‘harsh’ world?

  • A little domestic tyrant who rules the family?

  • A hyperactive turbo who has completely tired you out a long time ago?

  • A sulky or critical teenager who’s difficult to satisfy?

  • Or other moods/states of mind that could use some help?

Or are you yourself about to fly off the handle from being a parent?

182 pages, beautifully illustrated with photos of the Bach flowers.
ISBN: 978-87-997390-8-0

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Price: 150 DKK / 20 EUR / 17 GBP /
22 USD /

E-book: Bach Flower Remedies for Women 40+

This ebook (pdf) is about the physical discomforts associated with menopause and the ensuing years.
The problematic aspects in terms of lack of energy that one can encounter at the age of 40 and over are described several places in the book. I touch on how Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) views menopause because I find that particular theory especially useful.

A good part of the book deals with how the psyche may influence us after the age of 40.
In connection with that, the section on Bach Flower Remedies for mental discomforts during menopause and the time thereafter may prove not only useful but a real eye-opener.

189 pages, beautifully illustrated.

ISBN: 978-87-997390-9-7

You can download a reading sample for free here

Offer: The printed book (A4 size). 3 copies only.

Shipping: Included in price. Posted as recommended letter.
Please contact Susanne

Price: ~300 DKK (35 GBP)

If you prefer to listen in stead of reading this is for you:

Video (MP4) about Women 40+ (63 minutes).
This power point presentation with speak is about
A Holistic view of the Menopause .
How to help yourself with acupressure, healthy food, and Bach Flower Remedies.
Speaker: Susanne Løfgren.

99 DDK / 12 GBP / 13 EUR / 14 USD